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Officine Universelle Buly 1803 Taipei
Add: No. 263, Section 1, Dunhua South Road, Taipei
Tel: 02 2703 1898
Hours: 11am – 9pm
Visited: Jun 2016
Not too far from where I lived in Paris is a beautiful shop called Officine Universelle Buly 1803. Upon entering by chance one day, I was immediately charmed by the soothing fragrance, vintage decorations, and gorgeous packaging of this French skincare brand. This time in Taiwan, I was delighted to find that the first Buly shop outside of Paris opened in Taipei. Needless to say, I went for a visit and came out with a few items…
我在巴黎6區租的公寓附近有家很美的店,叫做 Officine Universelle Buly 1803。推門而入時溫柔環繞上來的除了優雅香氛,還有店裏濃厚的古老靈魂:19世紀藥局的樣貌、古老木質櫥櫃、沈靜大理石,各種精凋細琢的細節令人著迷 - 好吧,先承認一下我在了解什麽 Buly 歷史、天然成份之前早已臣服于這家店複古美麗的裝潢和包裝,而這些品牌故事精神雲雲都是之後才查的。這次在台北驚喜的發現 Buly 全世界首家分店開在這裏,忍不住進去逛了一圈(當然也忍不住買了一些東西)。
The details start at the door, with the elegant logo being hand-painted on stroke by stroke, instead of using stickers typically seen on most shop windows.
除了産品本身的堅持之外,Buly 在裝潢上的細節也非常細膩 - 比如落地窗上古典優雅的金色 logo 不是常見的卡典西德轉貼,而是專業師傅一筆一畫手工繪制完成。
Stepping inside the shop is like entering another time period. To reconstruct the ambience from the Paris, materials and artisans were flown in from France to make sure that everything’s done properly à la française, though there are also a few intentional differences between the two boutiques – for example, the colors of the floor tiles have been changed to reflect the climate in Taiwan, and the Taipei boutique also boasts a beautiful painted ceiling, something that cannot be done in Paris due to the building structure itself.
To give you a brief history, the brand started in 1803 by Jean-Vincent Bully, who made a name for himself with his perfumes, scented vinegars, and skincare products (details here). The Buly we see right now, however, has been resurrected by Ramdane Touhami and Victoire de Taillac, a couple already famed in the lifestyle circle by rebuilding the Cire Trudon brand and founding Corpus, France’s first independent skincare magazine. The two stirred up yet another storm with Buly 1803.
簡短的說一下,這個藥妝品牌于 1803 年由法國知名調香師 Jean-Vincent Bully 成立,還因爲替當時剛嫁到巴黎,因氣候不適導致膚質狀況不佳的約瑟芬皇後解決了肌膚問題,因而聲名大噪。我們現在看到的 Buly 品牌,是由現任創辦人夫婦 Ramdane Touhami 和 Victoire de Taillac 重新打造的。這對夫婦是頗有來頭的人物,先生 Ramdane 在十年前改造了古老蠟燭品牌 Cire Trudon(也是我的愛),並和太太 Victoire 共同創立了法國首本獨立美妝雜志 Corpus。兩人在巴黎的時尚生活圈本來就有名,經過重建 Buly 1803 這個品牌,更在業內掀起了一翻熱烈討論。
How gorgeous is this umbrella stand?
The story goes that the couple was browsing in the library one day, and by chance came across Jean-Vincent Bully. They noticed that products from this brand were all-natural with no chemical additives, and though it dates to centuries ago, the core value is perfectly in line with what we strive for today.
據說兩人是有次在圖書館找資料時,無意間翻到了 Jean-Vincent Bully 這個品牌。他們發現 Buly 當時所有藥妝産品都是純天然原料的提煉,沒有防腐劑和化學成分的添加,和現在大家追求的天然、有機等訴求不謀而合,于是他們找到品牌當時的照片、海報、手寫發票等,開始著手進行品牌復興。
Ramdane and Victoire hired professionals to recalibrate the recipes, going along with the same all-natural principle back in 1803, using plant-based oil, powder, and clays etc. They also found old photos, posters, and hand-written receipts of this historical brand, and started their revival project.
Ramdane 和 Victoire 請了專業實驗室重新調制配方,如同 1803 年時的制作理念,産品完全不添加任何化學防腐劑,連香水常用的酒精和甘油也捨棄,只使用水做爲基底。此外,各式各樣美容原料 - 來自各地的植物油、粉末、泥土等 - 也是他們的特點。
Buly’s first boutique opened in 2014 in Paris, and two years later the second boutique was chosen to be in Taipei. Word has it that they will also open locations in the UK and Korea in the near future.
Buly 的首家門店於 2014 年在巴黎開幕,兩年後全球第一家分店在台北開幕,據說之後在英國和韓國也會有專賣店。
Looove this faucet (but the one in Paris is even cuter).
Among the 500 or so Buly products, I first noticed their candles. The wax, mainly made from rice, soybeans, and coconut shells, is all natural, and the wick is also 100% cotton. The candle holder itself is made from Indian marble, which, other than being extremely durable, also keeps the candle at a lower temperature while burning, allowing for a slower and longer burn (and perhaps more importantly, it’s beautiful!) Each candle also comes with a glass dome, designed to maintain the fragrance, prevent dust, and also to put out the candle without creating smoke. How very thoughtful.
在 Bul y的 500 多個品項中,我先注意到的是他們的蠟燭(沒辦法,一踏入店裏就被這香味迷住了)。Buly 的蠟由米、大豆和椰子殼制成,是獨家的全天然配方,燈芯也是純棉質的,在燃燒時讓燭火更穩定。瓶身非常特別,是由印度大理石制成的工藝品,除了堅固耐用之外,大理石能使蠟維持在低溫狀態,讓蠟融得比較慢,飄散出來的香味也會比較好。重點是,美極了。每款蠟燭都附有玻璃罩,除了保留香氣和防塵之外,也可用來當作熄滅蠟燭的工具,避免直接吹熄蠟燭產生的黑煙氣味破壞空氣中的香氛(也太貼心)。
And it doesn’t just end there. Buly candles also have matching matches, which are coated with a natural fragrance so that the moment you light them, a mild fragrance permeates the air. Like the candles, the matches come in the following choices: sacre (sacred), alexandrie (alexander), generaux d’empirer (empire general), retour d’egypte (return of egypt), and sumi hinoki.
不僅如此,Buly的蠟燭還有相匹配的香氛火柴。這火柴不含硫磺成分,外部裹上了天然香氛,在劃下的瞬間便會散發淡淡香氣。香味和蠟燭是一樣的,有著有趣的名字,比如 sacre 神聖儀式、alexandrie 亞歷山大、generaux d’empire 帝國將軍、retour d’egypte 重返埃及、和 sumi hinoki 日本桧木炭。
Water-based, alcohol-free fragrances.
Soaps (you can choose your favorite sticker for the box).
Buly 潔膚皂有中性 pH 酸鹼值且不含蘇打粉與甘油,可以用來洗臉和身體,短發的男士也可以用它洗頭。在購買肥皂時,可以選自己喜歡選貼紙附在盒子上,每款都是考究 19 世紀當時的海報畫風及藝術風格而繪制的。
Mouthwash, made from mineral-laden water from Castéra-Verduzan. Love the poisonous-looking snake illustration.
這個畫著青色毒蛇的瓶子看起來有點嚇人,裏面裝的居然是漱口水。成份是來自 Castéra-Verduzan 的溫泉水,含有礦物質成分,不刺激口腔,帶有淡淡薄荷茶香。
If you are looking for brushes and combs, they’ve got it. Toothpaste and toothbrush, they’ve also got it.
At check-out, store staff will carefully write your name, product name and fragrance, as well as the date. Perfect as presents, no?
只要購買 Buly 的産品,銷售人員便會幫顧客寫上名字、購買品項以及香味,還有當天的日期。這個概念發想來自品牌當時的手寫藥單,非常有味道,用來當成禮物也很合適。
So it seems like the staff at Buly practices hand-writing diligently…
One of the items I took home is Pommade Concrète (35 euros/1,600 TWD), a balm designed for hands and feet. The chamomile water it contains comforts, nourishes, and relaxes the skin lavishly, perfect for someone like me who uses hands excessively in the kitchen.
I also bought a bottle of Eau Superfine (35 euros/1,500 TWD), which I haven’t started using yet but is already convinced by the packaging (oops, too easy?). The description reads like this: to achieve impeccable facial cleansing, this rose-distillate-enriched water revives and evens out one’s complexion. Consummately effective, Eau surfine calms reddened skin, effects a smooth mien and brings solace. Mmhmm.
另外也買了舒緩化妝水(35歐/1500台幣),還沒有開始用,但已經被包裝說服了(也太注重外表了我,對不起)。這款化妝水富含蒸餾玫瑰水,産品描述說能達到完美的二次清潔,同時活化肌膚、均勻膚色、舒緩泛紅狀況,使肌膚更加平滑、膚況更穩定…”享受肌膚被天使親吻後的光澤。” 哦?
Even the lid is so pretty.
All in all, a brand that’s beautiful from the inside out. If you happen to live in Paris/Taipei or are going to visit these cities soon, don’t forget to drop by the Buly 1803 boutique…you might just fall in love with it.
Officine Universelle Buly 1803 Taipei
電話:02 2703 1898
營業時間:11am – 9pm
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Weibo, and Wechat (id: sugarednspiced)!