[BHUTAN 不丹] Amankora Journey, Part I

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Prior to my trip to Bhutan, I had certain imaginations about this mystic land, weaved together from scraps of information gathered here and there – “a spiritual mountain kingdom where tranquility reigns”, “the first nation to measure its success not by its economy but by the happiness of its people”, “the last Shangri-La”…

在踏足不丹之前,我對這個神秘的王國有著各種綺麗想象 – “與世無爭的淨土”、“世界上最幸福的國度”、“人間最後一片香格里拉”…

I had a feeling that I would enjoy Bhutan, but I didn’t expect to fall so hard for it. During the 8 days of my journey, I slowly and surely fell in love with this country, for the pristine beauty of its nature, for the unique layers of its culture, for the pure good-hearts of its people. I realized that being here, I can let my guard down, I can be kind. Bhutan was teaching me things I had lost track of in my daily life.


There’s so much I’d like to share with you. Let’s start with day 1.


Day 1, Thimphu

Bhutan is not an easy country to reach, as its only international airport is situated in a high, narrow valley nestled among the Himalayas, surrounded by sharp peaks of up to 5,500m. This makes it one of the most harrowing landings in the world, and only a select number of pilots (17, I heard) from Bhutan’s own Drukair and Bhutan Airlines are trained to complete.

Other than the sharp turns and 45-degree tilts prior to landing, the flight to Bhutan is exciting for another reason – it offers a phenomenal view of the Himalayas, its majestic range sitting tall above the clouds:


除了降落前數個45度傾斜急轉彎之外(聽起來可怕,但其實坐在飛機上不會有太多感覺),飛往不丹的航班還有一點非常特殊 – 透過機窗,可以看到高聳在雲端之上的喜馬拉雅山脈。那壯觀的景色看過一次,就絕不會忘懷:

Paro Airport, amidst mountains and clouds. After 12 hours of overnight plane rides and transits through Bangkok and Kolkata, finally, we’ve arrived in Bhutan.


To protect its beautiful yet fragile natural landscape and precious culture heritage, the Bhutanese government forbids foreign travelers from roaming freely in its country. One must go through a travel agency, or in our case, an established hotel, to obtain visa, arrange itineraries, hire a certified guide, etc. For our first journey into this remote kingdom, we had chosen Amankora to lead the way.

為了保護國家的自然環境以及文化,不丹政府未開放外國人自由行。游客必須透過旅行社申請簽證,並支付每人每天的最低消費(淡季:200美金/天,旺季:250美金/天)。乍看之下似乎不便宜,但這個費用包含了基本飲食、住宿、景點入場費,導游及司機費用,一次性付款之後,在不丹旅行期間無需再掏出錢包(除了購物和給小費之外),是個非常省心的旅行方式。也有個別酒店,比如我們這次入住的 Amankora 安縵喀拉,可以直接幫客人申請簽證、安排行程,無需另外聯繫旅行社。


I’ve long had a penchant for Aman’s exquisite yet understated designs that blend into natural surroundings. Amongst all the Aman properties, Amankora is especially unique because it doesn’t just have one, but five lodges spread across Bhutan:

  • Paro (where the international airport is located)
  • Thimphu (the capital)
  • Punakha (a blissfully warm valley at Bhutan’s lowest elevation)
  • Gangtey (a valley at 3000m surrounded by mountain peaks)
  • Bumthang (a picturesque valley in Eastern Bhutan)

As much as I had wanted to experience all five lodges, our trip was too short to include Bumthang, so we followed the short loop of Thimphu – Gangtey – Punakha – Paro.

之前已分享過幾次我對安縵的喜愛,而 Amankora 更是所有安縵酒店中極為特殊的一家 – 它並不是 “一間” 旅館,而是由五間座落於不丹各處的 lodge 所組成的:

  • Paro(國際機場所在地)
  • Thimphu(首都)
  • Punakha(不丹氣候最溫暖的地區)
  • Gangtey(海拔三千多米的秘境)
  • Bumthang(有小瑞士之稱的美麗山谷)

除了 Bumthang 因為路途太遠這次沒能安排之外,我們依著其他四間 lodge 的所在位置,Thimphu – Gangtey – Punakha – Paro,周游了一圈。

Essentially, a journey with Amankora involves driving from valley to valley, from one elegant sanctuary to the next – I could think of no better ways to discover Bhutan.

我們在 Amankora 訂下的不是單純的住宿,而是一整個 “journey” – 酒店根據我們的喜好和逗留時間制定行程,在不丹境內四處穿梭,全程跟隨的導游、私人休旅車、司機、每日飲食都一手包辦。

When Dawa and Kinley – our guide and driver – scooped us up from Paro Airport with their warm smiles, I knew I was in good hands, and felt beyond reassured that they were to remain by our side for the entire journey. The car had everything we needed: snacks, water, soft cushions to make the ride more comfortable, and this gorgeously textured pouch containing sunscreen, lip balm, motion sickness remedy…etc. Oh, and wifi, which I thought was so essential, but didn’t end up using much throughout the trip because there were plenty of other things to pay attention to.

這場 journey,從踏出機場的那一步就開始。初抵不丹難免有些緊張,不過一看到前來迎接我們的導游 Dawa 和司機 Kinley 兩人的溫暖笑容,忐忑的情緒瞬間消散。能有他們一路陪伴,令人感到相當安心。車里已貼心地準備好一切所需 – 零食、水、舒服的靠墊、用當地紡織布料做成,裝了防曬霜、護唇膏、香薰(解暈車用)的精美收納包。還有本來以為非常重要的 wifi,結果根本沒怎麼用到,因為我們的註意力始終被更精彩的事物吸引著。

Here’s the dependable ride that carried us up and down mountainous terrain through the next 8 days.


From the airport to Thimphu, it was a 1.5-hour drive through forested mountains dotted with monasteries and temples. Once we reached the capital, it happened kind of like magic – one moment we were still on a busy street, then, a few turns here and there up a hill, we were immersed in a tranquil forest. There was no sign at the entrance, but we had indeed arrived at the first lodge of our journey.

“Welcome to Amankora.”

第一站是首都 Thimphu。從機場出發,在山路里穿梭一個半小時後,進入市區。說來神奇,明明前一秒還在熱鬧的街道上,就這麼拐了幾個彎,瞬間進入一整片蓊鬱山林中。雖然沒有任何門牌標示,我們的確已經抵達 Amankora。

以前去過的每一家安縵,讓我驚艷的第一件事都是酒店選址,Amankora 也不例外。安縵的創始人與不丹皇室已有幾十年的交情,因此酒店的地理位置都相當獨特,比如 Thimphu lodge 就在皇太后住所的隔壁,而之後要去的 Punakha lodge 其中一棟老房子也是由皇家私宅改建而成。

“歡迎來到 Amankora。”

The 16-suite lodge was built in the style of a traditional dzong (fortress) – high white-washed stone structures with soaring ceilings and wood-panel windows.

Thimphu lodge 採用不丹傳統 “dzong” 宗堡設計風格,以沈穩的白色和木質色調為主。僅有十六間套房,客人不多,相當私密。

Through the windows, there were fragrant pine trees as far as the eyes could see.


Upon arrival, khatas (welcome scarves) were draped around our necks, hot towels perfumed with lemongrass were placed in our hands, and cups of apple juice were readily poured as we sat down in the serene reception.

工作人員先為我們掛上白色的迎客圍巾 “khatas” ,遞上帶有檸檬草香氣的熱毛巾,再倒上兩杯熱騰騰的香料蘋果汁。

The juice was squeezed from local apples harvested in Bumthang, heated and flavored with cinnamon, cloves, and a drizzle of honey. The aroma was incredible, and the warmth soothing down the throat.


And then, into the suite. It’s a beautifully designed space, furnished with just the right elements: traditional wood-burning stove, banquette window-seats, wool blanket…but no TV, and rightly so. Though there are minor signs of wear and tear (do remember that Amankora opened back in 2004), we marveled at how everything had been maintained so well over the years, and how incredibly timeless the design is, that 16 years later, our breaths were still taken away the moment we stepped in.

客房設計也展現安縵一貫對當地文化的重視。木頭格狀長窗、鐵皮木頭暖爐等,皆取自不丹的傳統民居。房裡的各個細節 – 窗邊軟榻、毛毯、燭台…都在低調簡潔之中透著雍容典雅。Amankora 開幕十六年,狀態仍維持得如此良好,令人驚艷。


Very thoughtfully, a bowl of water was placed on top of the stove to give moisture, for Bhutan’s winter can be exceedingly dry (so do remember to bring your richest moisturizer).


Plenty of water in the suite to keep us hydrated, each bottle labelled with fill date.


Pine cones and wood for the stove.


This keychain, creepy or cute?


A bottle of chilled apple cider from Bumthang awaited us on the table.

Welcome drink 是一瓶來自 Bumthang 的蘋果西打,冰鎮著喝,酸甜清爽。​​

Room slippers – thick, warm, and soft on the feet.


On the bed, a list of activities for us to choose from in Thimphu, as well as at our next destination, Gangtey. Everything is printed on local paper made from Daphne tree bark, which, when pulled off, regenerates over time. The Bhutanese paper, besides being beautiful, is eco-friendly.

床上放了在 Thimphu 和 Gangtey(下一站)的活動清單供我們參考。順帶一提,不丹的紙是用瑞香科植物的樹皮製作,樹皮剝下後會再生,所以這紙張不僅美麗,而且非常環保。

Once refreshed, we drifted over to the stone courtyard for a sunny lunch.


We decided to save the Bhutanese fare for dinner, and went for the western options on the menu: roasted carrot soup with saffron and yogurt, char grilled hamachi with eggplant caponata, red wine braised beef cheek with parmesan polenta and pumpkin agrodolce…all delicious.


This was followed by a visit to the Great Buddha Dordenma, one of the world’s tallest and largest Buddha statues, built in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the fourth king Jigme Singye Wangchuck. The statue houses 125,000 mini Buddha statues, each of which, like the Buddha Dordenma itself, are made of bronze and gilded in gold, a major reason that the statue cost almost $100 million to build.

(Interesting fact: the number of buddha statues outnumbers the population of Thimphu, which is 100,000.)

午飯後不想走遠,於是 Dawa 帶我們去看了距離酒店僅十幾分鐘車程的金剛座釋迦牟尼佛像。這座佛像是為慶祝不丹第四任國王 Jigme Singye Wangchuck 的六十大壽所建造,是世界上最高最大的佛像之一,內部還藏著十二萬五千個迷你佛像,全都是黃銅制胎鍍金,據說造價達百萬美金。有趣的是 Thimphu 人口只有10萬人 – 這城市裡的佛像竟然比人多!​

The meditation hall under the Buddha statue was alive with a few dozens of monks chanting and locals performing the Buddhist prostration. As we were soon to discover, Buddhism touches every corner of the Kingdom of Bhutan, infusing each day and each person with a profound sense of spirituality and serenity. This philosophy is so deeply woven into the fabrics of Bhutan, that it is as much a lifestyle as it is a religion.

One aspect that truly inspired me was that the Bhutanese pray not for the self, but for the wellbeing of all sentient beings in the world. I found this all-encompassing compassion to be tremendously generous and kind, and made a mental note to work on overcoming my own selfish emotions.


我沒有宗教信仰,偶爾 “祈禱” 多半也是為了滿足一些非常私人的願望。然而據 Dawa 所說,不丹人嘴裡不停念著的經文不是為了私欲,而是將正能量散播出來,為眾生祈福。這種慷慨和善良在我心裡引起了小爆炸般的啟發…

I’m unable to show you images of the interior as photos are prohibited within temples, but the hall was resplendent with the aforementioned 125,000 mini Buddha statues, butter lamps, incredibly intricate “tormas” (figures made of flour and butter used as offerings), and portraits of religious figures as well as of the royal family. In fact, portraits of the royal family are displayed everywhere in Bhutan – airport, schools, homes, temples, hotel lobbies…and it only takes talking to a few residents to realize that they really truly love their king and queen. More on this later.

由於不丹寺廟內禁止拍照,我無法用照片將室內的樣貌呈現給你。總之內部相當輝煌,有剛才提到的十二萬五千個迷你佛像、飄忽閃爍的酥油燈、極度細緻的 “tormas”(用麵粉和奶油做成的奉獻品),以及佛教人物和不丹皇室成員的肖像。話說,皇室成員的肖像在不丹隨處可見,無論在機場、學校、寺廟、酒店大堂…只要跟幾個當地人聊會兒天,就能發現他們打從心底愛戴他們的國王與皇后。這一點,稍後再細聊。

We got back to the lodge just in time for a viewing of traditional dances. The temperature had dropped to about 5 degrees Celsius, but there was a roaring bonfire, hot water bags, wool blankets, and an endless supply of hot tea to keep us warm while our eyes stayed fix on the bewitching movements of the dancers.

參拜完大佛,回到 Amankora 欣賞傳統舞蹈。這時氣溫降到5度左右,不過工作人員準備了熊熊篝火、熱水袋、毛毯、以及熱乎乎的茶,坐在室外仍舒舒服服。​

The program was printed on a scroll of local paper, tied together by “old man’s beard”, a lichen commonly found in pine forests in Bhutan.

用來捆住節目單紙捲的是一種在不丹常見的、叫做 “老人鬍子” 的地衣植物,完全天然。

We also got an extremely rare opportunity to sit down with the much venerated Mynak R. Tulku Rinpoche. He is the 12th reincarnate lama of Mynak Rinpoche, who was the spiritual leader of the Mynak province in the Eastern region of Tibet. Mynak Tulku Rinpoche has lived in Bhutan for over 30 years and worked in various capacities, including as the founder and director of the National Museum in Paro and the National Library in Thimphu.

Amongst the many topics he touched on, one that was especially interesting to me was the concept of impermanence. One of the foundational premises of Buddhism is that no physical and mental events are constant or permanent, that they come into being and dissolve. It may seem contradictory, but knowing that change is inevitable and life is ephemeral makes each moment rich with possibilities…

當晚還有一個意外的驚喜 – Amankora 請到備受尊敬的 Mynak R. Tulku 仁波切來到酒店的圖書館,給我們上一堂佛學講座。Mynak Tulku 仁波切是來自西藏東部的轉世活佛,在不丹已居住30年,除了是一位德高望重的高僧,也是帕羅國家博物館的發起者,並曾擔任首都廷布國家圖書館的館長。

他坐在椅子上啜著熱茶,不疾不徐地跟我們聊起佛教哲學。其中我個人覺得非常有趣的是 “無常” 這個概念,意指一切事物都不會永恆存在,都會經歷一個從產生到滅亡的過程。雖然這樣講似乎有些矛盾,但正因生命無常,所以也讓每個瞬間充滿了可能性…

To end the day, a feast of local dishes, starting with hoentshey om jaju, a milk and spinach soup.

不丹的第一天,以豐盛的不丹料理做結尾。首先來一碗非常濃郁、暖胃的 “hoentshey om jaju” 牛奶菠菜湯。

Khuley, local buckwheat pancake with ezay, chili condiment.

“Khuley”,當地的蕎麥餅搭配 “ezay” 辣椒醬。

Then, steamed local red rice served with 6 dishes: Bhutanese style chicken, air dried pork with local cheese, broccoli curry, cauliflower with local cheese, radish salad, sautéed local mushrooms…Simple dishes with powerful flavors, I was in love!


Full from dinner and more than ready to rest of the night, we went back to our suite. To our delight, our bed had already been warmed by two hot water bags.


The bath tub had also been partially filled to keep the air moist.


So why not take a hot bath before heading to bed…


Amankora had also placed a little gift on our bed, a lovely gesture they were to repeat for each day of our journey. The first gift we received was a book called “Dawa: Story of a Stray Dog in Bhutan”, an enchanting story by a local author, perfect for bedtime reading while in Bhutan.

每晚,Amankora 都會在床上留一份有當地特色的小禮物。第一晚的禮物是 “Dawa: Story of a Stray Dog in Bhutan”,一本關於不丹流浪犬的故事書。這是一本淺顯易懂,但會帶來感動的小書,在不丹每晚都翻幾頁,然後安然入睡…

To be continued…未完,待續。

Note: If you would like to see some videos from the trip, please visit my instagram account “sugarednspiced” for Bhutan story highlights.

注:歡迎來 Instagram 帳號 “sugarednspiced” 看看我的不丹精選限時動態👇🏻

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