Iceland, September 2019.
It’s been almost a year since A. and I got married. Since neither of us is really into the wedding ordeal, we only had a simple luncheon with close family members after we got registered at the city hall. But while the wedding ceremony was omitted, the honeymoon could not possibly be skipped!
When choosing honeymoon destination, there was one criteria not to be compromised – the destination has to be new for both of us, so we would spend time researching, planning, exploring, experiencing…together.
Iceland has been on my list for quite a while. My meager understanding of this Nordic island country is through the music of Sigur Rós and Of Monsters And Men, the volcanic eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010, and scenes from The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
我和A結婚已快一年了。登記後兩人決定不辦婚禮,僅跟最親近的家人吃了個飯 – 這種低調的小慶祝,似乎更適合我們的個性。不過婚禮可以不辦,蜜月卻是一定要去的 – Please,我怎麼可能放過這個大玩特玩的好機會 。
我自己想去冰島已多年。對這個偏遠北國的初步認識,是通過當地樂團 Sigur Rós 和 Of Monsters And Men 的音樂、2010年 Eyjafjallajökull 火山爆發擾亂歐洲飛機航線的各種報道、以及2013年 “白日夢冒險王”(The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)電影里的取景。

A. and I are both in love with this movie. He has seen it 5 times, I’ve seen it 3 times (the last 2 times we watched together). This quote from the movie is a favorite of his and was even part how he proposed to me:
“To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life.”
Naturally, it didn’t take long before we settled on Iceland as the honeymoon destination.
所以一提到冰島,兩人很快就定案 – 蜜月,就去這里吧。

Our 10-day journey started in Keflavik Airport, located in the southwest corner of Iceland, and we drove the entire length of the Ring Road (a.k.a. Route 1), circling the island counter clock-wise. The total distance, including some branching off here and there, was a bit over 1,600km.
It’s worth noting that while the surface area of Iceland is almost 85 times that of New York City, its population is less than 5% of that of NYC. So imagine a life without (or with very little of) crowds, traffic jams, noises, pollution…all is expansive, quiet, and peaceful.
Though I’ve done a fair bit of researching ahead of the trip, what I saw in photos in no way match up to what I experienced in person, surrounded by the vastness of it all. What’s truly amazing about Iceland is that not only were we wow’ed everyday during the journey, but the impact stayed with us long after the trip itself ended.
10 days, 10 highlights, here we go.
冰島十日行,從西南角的 Keflavik 機場開始,沿著環島的1號公路逆時鐘開了一圈。加上每天一些偏離主幹道的路線,總共一千六百多公里。
順帶一提,冰島的面積是台灣的近3倍,人口卻只有台灣的1/6不到(用上海的數據來比較的話,冰島面積是上海的15倍多,人口只有上海的1/5不到)。請想象一下這樣的生活 – 沒有人潮、沒有堵塞、沒有噪音、沒有污染…一切都遼闊、寧靜、和平。
雖然行前已做過功課,但照片中的景再美,也不及親身被壯闊冰川山稜圍繞的感動。去冰島旅行最奇妙的一點是不僅途中充滿驚嘆,回家後仍後勁十足,忍不住細細回味這場無與倫比的探險。十天,十個 highlight,分享給你。

Highlight #1
Oops, 行李不見了 / Where did the baggage go?
Our trip didn’t start off smoothly. Due to short connecting time in Amsterdam, our baggage didn’t board the plane with us, so when we arrived in Iceland, we didn’t have much other than what we were wearing.
Now, it’s never fun to have lost/delayed baggage, but a trip in Iceland where we really needed gear and would also be changing hotel everyday, it was especially worrisome that our baggage didn’t make it.
Well, there’s not much we could do other than wait, so in the mean time we decided to explore Reykjavík. Most travelers circling the island wouldn’t spend much time in the capital, but to our pleasant surprise, this is actually a very lovely city.
To start, it’s got Brauð & Co.
首先,這里有家厲害的麵包店 – Brauð & Co.。

The bakery smelled so good, it was hard not to order a bit of everything, and all that we tasted – croissant, ham & cheese croissant, cinnamon bun, vinarbraud (Vienne bread, a pastry with vanilla almond cream) – are delicious. If I were ever to move to Reykjavik (hmm…), I’d definitely want to live next door to this.
我們一口氣試了好幾樣麵包 – 原味可頌、火腿芝士可頌、肉桂捲、vinarbraud(Vienna bread,一種加了香草杏仁醬的糕點)- 樣樣美味。如果搬來雷克雅未克(咦?),就想要住在這家店隔壁。

The folks working at the shop that day were super hip-looking and friendly, some stopping in the middle of their busy work to ask if I’d want a close-up of the bread they were fabricating.
當天在店裡的工作人員清一色都是男孩子,一個個看起來都很 hip,而且非常友善,在忙碌之中還特別停下來問我要不要幫他手頭上正做著的麵包拍個近照。

This, my friend, is a caramel cruffin (croissant + muffin).

Reykjavik Roasters, the coffee shop next to Brauð & Co., is also charming – a brightly-lit space with a warm vibe, complete with background music from vinyl records.
麵包店旁邊的咖啡館 Reykjavik Roasters 也相當迷人 – 明亮的空間、溫馨的氛圍、還播放著黑膠唱片…有時間的話,請來喝杯咖啡。

A leisurely stroll in Reykjavik led to the discovery of many lovely sights.


在 Messinn 餐廳的溫暖晚餐。
And…*applause please* our baggage arrived the next evening! Hip hip hurray, we were ready to go.
然後,行李在第二天的晚上順利抵達 Yes, ready to go.

Highlight #2
也是看過極光的人了 / Chasing Northern Lights
On our second day in Iceland, the weather report showed exceptionally strong aurora activities, so we signed up to follow a professional guide on a mini bus tour, which took us out into the darkness in search of Northern Lights.
I was freezing despite having put on all the layers I had, but it was all worth it the moment when the colorful lights descended upon us. I’m an auto mode kind of photographer (read: very unprofessional) so I was really struggling to get the right camera setting to capture these elusive lights. The better idea? Capture them with the eyes and engrain that image in memory…
抵達冰島的第二天,氣象預報說當晚看到極光的機率很高,於是當場報名了 mini bus 極光團。晚上10點多跟著向導來到了光害極少的荒郊野外,追極光。

They started off as green and purple streaks of lights, dancing and wiggling away in the afar, and all the sudden they became a massive sheet of white, like wind, like fog, traveling at an unimaginable high speed right above our heads. We all stood there in awe, trying our best to imprint this incredible sight in memory, until we were snapped out of the trance again by the freezing cold.

Note: the Northern Lights are quite elusive and can’t be guaranteed even on a good day with a professional guide. We had to drive around quite a bit that evening before finding a spot for aurora sighting.

For the rest of our trip, as long as the sky was not covered in clouds, we would find moments here and there to stare up on the sky, and to our delight, spotted the Northern Lights for a second time. But really, even just a sky full of stars was a real charmer in itself…

Highlight #3
有瀑布,日日都是彩虹日 / Rainbow everyday
Iceland is partially covered in glaciers, and they melt into gorgeous waterfalls. When the sun is out, rainbow can often be spotted next to these falls, forming colorful arches all over the island.

On a related note, “Mia’s Country Van” fish & chips next to Skogafoss is not bad if you are looking for a quick bite before or after visiting this waterfall.
順帶一提,斯科加瀑布旁邊的 Mia’s Country Van 炸魚薯條還不錯,若想要在爬瀑布前後吃點東西果腹,這是一個好選擇。

And of course, the falls are stunning even without the rainbows. One of my favorite falls is Seljalandsfoss, be sure to climb to its backside for a different view.

We saw over 10 waterfalls on our journey, but never once did we feel bored by “yet another fall”. Each a unique beauty.
Highlight #4
騎著可愛溫馴的冰島馬,上山去 / Icelandic Horses in The Valley
On our third night in Iceland, we stayed at Skálakot, a quaint little manor hotel set at the foot of a hill. Through the window is a field of grass that stretches out into infinity, dotted with red roofs here and there.
在冰島的第三晚,住在馬廄莊園 Skálakot Manor Hotel。房間窗戶看出去是一望無際的草原,上面點綴了座紅屋頂小房。

前往 Skalakot 的美麗公路。

Dinner was lamb soup and lamb chops made by the in-house kitchen, which were exactly the kind of soul-warming food we needed after a day out in the cold. The hotel was also kind enough to offer a small bottle of bubblies for the honeymoon couple.

The next day started with a sumptuous breakfast, followed by a ride into the valley on the manor’s very own Icelandic horses. Sitting tall on horsebacks, with the September sun tender on the skin, accompanied by the rustling sound of leaves and tall grass…it was a most magical moment.

Up on the hill, we could see the sea in the horizon, Skálakot Manor at our feet, and just a short distance away, cute, tiny churches.
從山坡上眺望風景,可以看到遠方的海、山腳下的 Skálakot 莊園,還有冰島隨處可見的小教堂。

For those who are interested in horseback riding – Icelandic horses are smaller in stature and very friendly, do give them a try. I was taking a photo of this rockstar from afar and it came over to say hi!

Highlight #5
爬上冰川 / Up on the Glacier
One of the activities I most looked forward to on this trip was the glacier hike. It’s a rather dangerous activity that can only be done when accompanied by professional guides and with technical equipments like crampons and harnesses. There are plenty of glacier hike tours you can find online, we booked our Skaftafell 3-hour hike via Guide to Iceland.
這次去冰島,最期待的活動之一是冰川健行。這是個有危險性的活動,必須跟著專業向導,並穿上合適的裝備 – 冰爪、攀岩安全帶等 – 才能前往。網上可以找到各種團,我們是在 Guide to Iceland 上訂的 Skaftafell 斯卡夫塔山三小時行程。

Skaftafell is located within Vatnajokull, which is the third largest glacier in the world, totaling 8100 km² in surface area (about 8% of the entire Iceland). The 3-hour hike only allowed us to see a tiny part of it, but was enough for getting a glimpse of its formidable vastness.
Skaftafell 所在的 Vatnajokull 瓦特納冰原是世界第三大冰川,面積為 8100 km²,佔據了整個冰島國土面積的8%。三小時健行其實只能看到冰川非常微小的一部分,但已能感受到它的壯觀。

Also don’t forget to taste the water from the melting glacier, this is likely going to be one of the cleanest and most delicious water you will ever taste. On a related note, the tap water in Iceland is no doubt the best tap water I’ve tasted, there’s simply no need to buy bottled water here.

At one of the resting points, our guide pointed back down to where we started. That area occupied by the lagoon was not too long ago still covered by glacier, an alarming sign of global warming…

to be continued…
Click here for [ICELAND PART II]
點擊前往 [冰島 PART II]
hello – may I know which camera you using or photos taken from Iphone?
and do you photoshop it afterward ?
Hello Claudia, my apologies for the late reply – I haven’t checked blog comments in months! I use both camera and iPhone, the photos from this post are mostly from my camera (Sony A6300+ Zeiss lens), I do very little photoshopping, mainly using the built-in photo app of Apple. Hope this helps :)