Visited on: March 2023
We took a family road trip to Kyushu this past Spring, taking little Em to this part of Japan for the first time. Traveling with a 2-year-old isn’t ideal for packed schedules, so we only stayed in the Northern Kyushu Area even though we had almost two weeks to spend. Here’s the route:

本次行程:由布院(2晚) – 阿蘇(2晚) – 八女(2晚) – 浮羽(1晚) – 福岡(4晚)
In comparison, when I had my first road trip in Kyushu with a girl friend back in 2016, the two of us drove from Fukuoka all the way down to the Southern tip of Kagoshima in just five days, and it didn’t seem rushed at all. Seven years may not seem like a long time, but apparently I’m in a completely different life stage and state of mind now…

Most people would start their Kyushu trip with a few days in Fukuoka (where the international airport is), but as we wanted to get some onsen time ASAP, we picked up our rental car at the airport immediately after landing and drove to Yufuin. This little town, famed for its onsen sources, is about a 1.5-hour drive from Fukuoka, and is also reachable via the “Yufuin no Mori” train. For this part of our trip, we chose to stay at the recently-opened (Summer 2022) KAI Yufuin, designed by Kengo Kuma and part of the Hoshino Resorts.
大部分人在九州旅行的開始都會在福岡待上幾天,不過我們想馬上進入溫泉的行程,抵達後直接在機場租了車,開往由布院。這裡距離福岡車程約1.5小時,不開車也能搭乘 “由布院之森” 列車前往,相當方便。這次我們選擇入住2022年夏天才開幕的界 由布院 KAI Yufuin,由於飯店還很新所以看不到太多評價,但畢竟是星野集團出品,又由畏研吾操刀設計,令人很想一試。

KAI Yufuin is about a 10-minute drive from from Yufuin’s central street – not so far that it’s inconvenient, but removed enough to have its own quiet nook. There is a large patio from which guests can admire the cascading rice paddies and the faraway mountains, its scenery evolving with the seasons. When we visited during early Spring, there was a lingering melancholic vibe from the Winter the just passed…which I thought that was quite charming as well, even though it’s vastly different from the lush green as shown on the hotel website.
界 由布院的位置相對隱秘,距離由布院最熱鬧的湯之坪商店街大約10分鐘車程,不會遠到不方便,但足以擁有自己的一片寧靜。飯店的設計主題是 “感受梯田四季風景的休憩旅宿”,有可眺望廣闊梯田和山景的觀景台,讓客人從梯田感受季節變遷。官方宣傳照是在夏季開幕時所拍攝,而我們在初春造訪時時是梯田休耕期,少了綠意,但冬季殘留下來的寂靜感有著惆悵的美麗,也別有一番風味。

At dusk, lights were lit along the paths and the paddy fields like tiny bonfires, exuding a beautiful warmth.

Near the entrance, a 24-hour library with complimentary self-service coffee and tea.

KAI Yufuin has 41 guest rooms and 4 villas. We stayed in one of the villas with outdoor onsen, which was plenty of space for our family of three. The interior is dotted with elements incorporating local materials and culture – bamboo headboards and sofa, woven light fixtures inspired by traditional firefly baskets, etc.
界由布院總共有41間客房和4間獨棟別墅,我們入住的是設有溫泉小屋的別墅。空間舒适,大小對於一家三口來說是寬敞的。室內運用了大量當地盛產的原材料來製作傢具 – 竹子沙發、螢籠掛燈、七島古藺榻榻米…一進入房間就立刻被柔和香氣包圍。

The hotel had prepared a small futon for Em on the floor, but in the end we combined the two beds to share amongst the three of us. On a related note, Japanese-style hotels charge by the person (instead of by the room), but kids under 3 are free of charge, and kids between from 4-6 can also stay for free if they don’t need an extra bed or food.

Luggage and closet space is also aplenty. We had brought quite a bit of coats and scarves as Spring in Kyushu can be quite chilly, and there was no problem fitting everything.

A change of clothes for the onsen, provided by the hotel.

For those who don’t like public hot spring, this villa has its own private outdoor onsen in the form of a large bath tub, which is spacious enough to fit the three of us.

KAI toiletries, very decent quality.

There’s a sliding door separating the bedroom and living room, an excellent design especially for those traveling with kids – after Em was put to bed at night, A and I finally got some quiet relaxing time in the living room…
房間里有個對帶小孩的旅客來說很棒的設計 – 客廳和卧室之間有拉門,晚上Em入睡後我和A還能自由地在卧室外喝酒聊天,稍稍享受一下兩人時光。

When all was settled, we strolled back to the main building for dinner. For individuals and couples, it’s ideal to sit by the window where one can enjoy the outdoor view during meal time.

As a group of three with a small child, we were seated in a room for extra privacy (a.k.a. less disturbance for other guests).

First thing first – some local shochu (one made from taro and one from barley, such different aroma!) for the parents.

Dinner was served kaiseki style, course by course. The first was a monaka – rice wafers sandwiching a patty of wild boar meat and shiitake mushroom.
酒店的晚餐需要提前預定,由會席的形式一道道上。首先是夾了山豬肉和香菇內餡的 “最中餅”,米的香氣迷人。

A refreshing salad to pair with.

Shrimp sakura mochi, fried broad bean, hanabiratake mushroom, cherry blossoms – an exceedingly Spring dish.

“Horaku-mori”, an assortment of “hassun” seasonal delicacies, sashimi, and vinegared dishes. The presentation on bamboo structures was quite eye-catching.
“寶樂盛” 由八寸、生魚片、和醋物組成,竹子造型的擺盤很別緻。

Fried: Japanese icefish wrapped with rice cracker, butterfish with cherry blossoms, vegetables.

Red bream, grilled soy milk skin, sansei pepper sprout, steamed pea cake covered with starchy sauce.

Steamed grilled beef with clay pot rice, himejima island hijiki and shiso leaves, with miso soup and pickles.

Milk-simmered yakkome with barley tea jelly. A delicious meal with just the right portion, satisfying without an ensuing food coma.

Reminder: dinner reservation at KAI Yufuin is obligatory. We only reserved dinner for the first night because we had plans to go out on the second day, but due to heavy rain we had hoped to stay in again for dinner, only to discover that the hotel restaurant could not accommodate us. It would be great if the hotel could remind us of this at check-in so we would be better prepared…but anyway, venturing out proved to be a good idea after all, as it allowed us to discover some gems in other parts of Yufuin. More on these in a separate post.

I woke up early the next morning and hopped over to the public onsen for some quiet time sans little Em. No snaps to show here as photography is not allowed in the public onsen, but you can find some on the hotel website.
Back at the villa, little Em played barista with the drip coffee bags provided by the hotel.
第二天早上起了個大早,家人還在睡,我一人先溜到了大眾湯享受無人打擾的放空時光。雖說我們入住的villa庭院里就有溫泉,不過以界 由布院來說,我個人更喜歡大眾湯的感覺,室外、室內、包括更衣間的設計都很舒適。大眾池不方便拍照,有興趣的話可以上官網看看喔。

The minibar also provided ginger tea bags, a godsend for the cold and wet weather during our stay.
Minibar 還有提供薑茶,在我們當時入住的濕冷天氣里非常實用。

Breakfast comes with Japanese and Western options, and for both mornings we opted for the Japanese breakfast. There’s not much more satisfying to start the day off with perfectly cooked rice, grilled fish, miso soup…

Other than the typical accompaniments, there was also a selection of braised pork and veggies to be grilled table-side.

Kids receive complimentary rice and miso soup (in cute bamboo tableware), and sides dishes from my breakfast set was more than enough to share between the two of us.

After breakfast, A converted the living room into a temporary office for his zoom meeting.

While Em and I explored the hotel. Her favorite part was most probably the post-onsen rest area, which had an abundant supply of fruit popsicles. I normally don’t let her eat too much sugar so naturally with occasional indulgences like these, she was totally head over heels!

We also spent some time out on the patio, feeling the cool breeze while sipping on hot tea.

There’s a fun little cultural activity held in the mornings at KAI Yufuin, where guests can make “omamori” (lucky charms) by braiding pieces of straws (usually left over from rice harvest) with colorful strings. A wonderful souvenir to take home to and a fun peek into local culture.
每間界都有可以讓住客體驗當地文化的 “當地樂” 活動,由布院的當地樂是使用由布院農民閑暇時進行的 “搓稻草” 來製作お守り(護身符),由於需透過雙手合十搓稻草來完成繩索,也有祈禱的意思。當天只有我和另一位住客參加,這位日本太太已經是第二天來做這個活動了,很正經地跟老師討論著花色和顏色的搭配,讓我也不由得認真挑選了起來。

I was only able to finish one during the session, but the instructor kindly shared two of hers with me to make a little trio for our family…how cute!

Due to the pouring rain during our two days at Yufuin, we decided to cancel most of our sightseeing plans and just stay put in KAI for most of it, which turned out to be very relaxing and comfortable.

If I were to make any complaints, I’d say the service can still improved. Perhaps because the hotel opened during COVID, it seemed like the staff were inexperienced especially in dealing with foreign customers – even though everyone was polite, there were small details that lacked consideration and fluidity. Hopefully with the opening of borders, service will pick up soon too.

KAI Yufuin 界 由布院
Price 價格: from 22,000 yen per night per person / 一晚一位22,000日幣起
Add 地址:398 Kawakami,Yufuincho, Yufu-shi ,Oita
Website 官網:hoshinoresorts.com/zh_tw/hotels/kaiyufuin