[Shanghai 上海] BoboLEE Cake

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BoboLEE Cake

Add: delivery only
Tel: [cake order] 400 910 1314 / [service] 13911193107
Hours: 9:30am-6pm
Website: www.boboleecake.com
Price: [18cm whole cakes] 380-668 RMB [wedding cakes] 8888 RMB
Visited: Oct 2015

I wasn’t aware of BoboLEE Cake before they contacted me, and after browsing through their website filled with beautiful cake photos, I immediately accepted their invitation to visit the studio. On this sunny morning, I was greeted by Bobo the cake artist himself and his partner Andrew, who takes care of the graphic designs and public relations of the business. I was planning to just eat my cake and go, but the two boys were such gracious hosts that I ended up spending hours there chatting about cakes, cakes, and cakes.

其實在收到BoboLEE Cake的來信之前,我幷沒有聽說過這個蛋糕品牌,不過在浏覽他們美麗的網站後,我馬上接受邀請去參觀了他們的工作室。當天接待我的是蛋糕師傅Bobo本人以及負責媒體工作的Andrew,這兩個大男孩實在太可愛了,本來打算吃完蛋糕就拍拍屁股走人的我居然在他們的工作室裡聊了好幾個小時(當然蛋糕也沒少吃,哈)。



Originally from Shandong, Bobo was an interior designer before changing career at the age of 35. He first completed an intensive 3-month pastry program at Cordon Bleu Tokyo, and immediately went to the U.S. to study from famed cake designer Maggie Austin for another 3 months. About a year ago he settled in Shanghai, and is now fabricating beautiful sugar flower-adorned cakes at his delightful studio space in the former French Concession area.

Bobo Lee,山東人,本來是位室內設計師,35歲時決定轉行做甜點。他首先在東京的藍帶完成了三個月的密集甜點課程,隨後馬上飛往美國和知名的翻糖藝術家Maggie Austin學習。一年多前他來到上海,在徐彙區的老公寓裏租了個地方,就這樣開始了整天泡在工作室裏做蛋糕的日子。看這些他一朵朵親手塑造出來的翻糖花,是不是太美了?




Other than customized wedding cakes, Bobo also offers cakes that can be enjoyed during simpler occasions. On the day of my visit, he prepared his best-seller milk chocolate rum cake (668 RMB + 25 RMB delivery) for me to taste. It’s composed of layers of milk chocolate mousse, rum mousse, dacquoise, and crunchy feuilletine, then finished with a shiny glaze, a dash of powdered silver, and a delicate sugar flower. The decor is elegant and minimalistic – love at first sight – and the flavors and textures delicious as well – love at first bite.

我到訪的這一天,Bobo准備了他的人氣作品 “牛奶巧克力朗姆酒慕斯蛋糕(668元 + 25元快遞費),由牛奶巧克力慕斯、朗姆酒慕斯、蛋白餅蛋糕、和脆片組成,裝飾則用黑色鏡面、銀粉、和糖花完成。簡單高貴的外型正是我喜歡的風格,而且味道和口感也都令人滿意,實在難得。當天我還嚐了一塊伯爵紅茶牛奶巧克力慕斯蛋糕(588元 + 25元快遞費),也好吃,不過口味上對我來說似乎有點單一,個人意見。





I also tried a piece of Earl Grey milk chocolate cake (588 RMB + 25 RMB delivery) on this visit, which was quite lovely as well though perhaps a bit monotonous in terms of flavor. At the moment, BoboLee Cake offers 5 different cakes (see website for details) and each one is stored carefully in sturdy, temperature-controlled boxes and delivered by Andrew personally to make sure that it arrives as beautiful as it leaves the studio.

BoboLEE Cake現在共有5種蛋糕,除了剛提到的兩款之外,還有 “草莓馬鞭草葡萄柚”,“白巧克力覆盆子”,“百香果優格” 等聽起來相當誘人的組合,細節都可以在他們的網站上找到。目前Bobo並無門店,每個蛋糕都經過細心包裝,由Andrew親自開車穩穩的運送,保證客人拿到的是和離開工作室時一樣完美無瑕的蛋糕。


It’s always a pleasure to meet people who put such heart into the things they do, and Bobo and Andrew are exactly like that. I’m looking forward to trying more of their creations in the near future…see you again very soon.

能認識用心做事的人,總是很令我開心。Bobo和Andrew就是這樣,很認真的做著自己喜歡的事,看似簡單,卻令人感動。我非常期待嚐到BoboLEE Cake的其它作品,我想我很快就會回來這裏蹭蛋糕吃的。


BoboLEE Cake

地址: 限定外送
電話: [訂單] 400 910 1314 / [服務] 13911193107
營業時間: 9:30am-6pm
網站: www.boboleecake.com
價位: [18cm蛋糕] 380-668 元 [婚禮蛋糕] 8888元

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