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Jeju Izakaya by Belloco
Add: 1095 Yuyuan Road
Wechat: jejuizakaya
Hours: 6pm~1am
Price: 300~350 rmb/person
Visited: Dec 2017
Jeju Izakaya hides itself in a non-descriptive building on Yuyuan Road. If you didn’t come looking for it, you probably wouldn’t notice its sign on the floor, so discreet that it almost blends into the background…
Jeju Izakaya藏在愚園路上一棟不起眼的小房子裏,若不是專門爲它而來,肯定不會注意到地上那塊幾乎融入到背景裏的門牌…
But go ahead and slide open the heavy metal door to discover this ultra hip Korean izakaya*. The tiny space is not much more than an open kitchen and eight seats around the bar. Reservation must be done via Wechat, and so far it looks like every seat is booked at least two weeks in advance.
*Jeju Izakaya is owned by the same company that operates Belloco and Professor Lee in K 11.
*Jeju Izakaya和Belloco以及K 11裏的Professor Lee是同一個老板經營的喲。
We were first served a sip of house wine upon being seated. The drinks menu lists a good number of whisky and Korean soju high ball options, as well as some beer and wine choices. On another note, the music here is absolutely dope.
入座後,老板會先爲客人倒上一小杯招待的紅酒。酒單上有很多威士忌以及韓國燒酒的highball的選擇,也有一些啤酒和葡萄酒。Btw,這裏的音樂好聽,大大加分 。
Jeju Izakaya does Korean fusion cuisine, such as this “kimchi tofu with Hollandaise sauce” (88 RMB). What it is: tofu shaped into a ball and placed a a bed of (absolutely delicious) kimchi, then drizzled with housemade Korean-style Hollandaise sauce.
Jeju Izakaya做的是韓國創意料理,比如這道手工蛋黃豆腐泡菜 (88 RMB),將豆腐碾碎後做成圓球狀,淋上自制韓風蛋黃醬,再搭配(非常好吃的)泡菜。
“Cheddar cheese volcano steamed egg” (78 RMB), still sizzling as it was brought to the table. Served with Sriracha hot sauce.
芝士火山雞蛋糕 (78 RMB),上桌時還熱騰騰冒泡的模樣太吸引人。上面淋的是Sriracha辣椒醬。
“Stir-fried clam and spinach with butter sauce” (78 RMB).
菠菜黃油炒蛤蜊 (78 RMB),蛤蜊新鮮,菠菜嫩。
“Aglio olio with sea urchin roe” (108 RMB), perfectly al dente, with a lovely aroma from garlic and black pepper. A bit more sea urchin wouldn’t hurt though.
蒜香海膽意大利面 (108 RMB),面本身煮得相當到位,不軟不硬。海膽有點少,但蒜和黑胡椒香非常迷人。
“Pulled pork sushi with Korean soy sauce” (98 RMB).
手撕五花肉壽司 (98 RMB)。
The chef. Cool-looking and very quiet, but surprisingly soft-spoken when he does open his mouth.
Jeju Izakaya的chef是位酷酷的韓國大叔。話不多,但開口時意外地溫柔。
Finally, we finish with “stir-fried octopus with Korean spicy sauce” (108 RMB, non-spicy version available). The baby octopus is very tender, and flavor so addicting that I could polish off another bowl of rice with it. There’s the option of making this into fried rice as well, with an additional 20 RMB.
最後,以重口味的辣醬炒章魚(108 RMB, 也有不辣的選擇)做收尾。小章魚肉質非常嫩,最後還可以留一部分請chef幫你做成炒飯(另加20 RMB)。
This is Tom, the izakaya owner. He can speak some Chinese and English, and is often seen in the corner writing down each guest’s name and memorizing them…very cute and polite.
There was no dessert on the menu, but since we asked, Tom whipped together something using the ingredients he had on hand. Strawberries, cream cheese, honey walnut, and…spinach!
It was an absolutely charming meal at Jeju Izakaya, but I hesitated whether I should recommend this place or not – considering that it’s already quite difficult to get seats, maybe I should refrain from making it even more popular…ah well, bon appetit!
很喜歡在Jeju Izakaya的用餐體驗,不過因爲非常難訂位,所以猶豫了一下要不要推薦它(很害怕以後再也吃不到了…)不過還是決定在年底把這家好店分享出來。真是複雜的心情啊。
Jeju Izakaya by Belloco 倍樂濟州居酒屋