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Little Catch x Alter
Add: L116, 245 Madang Road (Xintiandi Style)
Tel: 5352 0027
Hours: 10am – 9:30pm
Price: 70 rmb + / poke bowl
Visited: Sep 2017
Shanghai has been raining cats and dogs for the past week (and it looks like another few days of thunderstorm ahead of us), so I decided to post about something very sunny: Little Catch Xintiandi just finished renovation, and other than being a pretty place, it’s also offering new poke flavors as well as smoothie bowls that will brighten up the most sour of moods.
眼看上海這一周都是連續暴雨,決定寫篇陽光內容:Little Catch 新天地店裝修完畢,除了地方漂亮之外,還推出了新口味的 poke bowl 波奇飯,以及光看到心情就會缤紛 smoothie bowl 果昔。下一個天晴的日子,就去這裏吧!
I’ve been wanting to write about Little Catch for a while. Its first location – Little Catch Fishmonger – opened on Wulumuqi Road in 2015 and, with its introduction of the Hawaiian poke, it became an instant hit. The shop was tiny, so people either got takeouts or sit out in front on tiny stools, each happy with a bowl of poke in hand.
喜歡 Little Catch 已經好一陣子了。它的一店于 2015 年開在烏魯木齊中路上,名爲 Little Catch Fishmongers。雖然是家海鮮店,但完全不是大家想象中魚腥味彌漫的感覺,乾淨、清新的店面小巧可愛,總是很多人坐在外面的小凳子上吃著 poke bowl,氣氛輕松隨意。
The shop was started by Wen & Jiayi, two sisters who were born in Singapore, raised in Hong Kong, and educated in the U.S. Conveniently, their family has been in the seafood business for a while, which gives the sisters excellent access to good seafood at fair prices.
Little Catch 的老板姐妹花 Wen & Jiayi 來自新加坡,在香港長大、美國念書(後來發現我在巴黎的室友居然是 Jiayi 在紐約大學的同學,#這世界有點小)。兩姐妹的家族做的就是海鮮生意,正好可以給 Little Catch 提供新鮮而且價格合宜的海鮮。
Due to the overwhelming success of Little Catch Fishmonger, they followed with a much more spacious Little Catch Poke Cafe on Taixing Road, and subsequently expanded the first shop as well. Their newest location, a collaboration with clothing boutique Alter, is on the first floor of Xintiandi Style (originally Spread the Bagels). There are two sun-dappled outdoor seating areas, picnic tables, blue and white beach umbrellas…it’s like starting summer all over again.
由于一店非常成功,她們又在泰興路上開了非常寬敞的二店 Little Catch Poke Cafe,也隨即拓寬了一店,讓客人們可以更輕松更舒服地吃碗 poke bowl。而最近才重新裝修完成的三店 Little Catch x Alter 位于新天地時尚一樓街邊的位置(原 Spread the Bagels),是和服飾店 Alter 的合作。陽光滿布的露天座位、野餐桌、藍白相間的海灘陽傘…在這裏坐上片刻,感覺又回到了夏天。
Honestly, I don’t know how many of their poke bowls I’ve had this past summer. It’s a rather simple ensemble of sushi rice (can be switched to grains or salad), seafood of choice (tuna, salmon, shrimps, scallops, etc.), with seaweed, cashews, and cucumbers. Side orders of avocado and other condiments are available, as well as very reasonably priced house wines. No fuss, just pure goodness.
講真,過去這個夏天裏我都不知道自己吃了多少碗她們的 poke bowls。溫熱的壽司飯(可換成雜糧飯或生菜沙拉)上堆疊著海鮮(鮪魚、鮭魚、甜蝦、扇貝等任選)、海帶、腰果、黃瓜、喜歡的話可以再外加一份牛油果,配上一顆新鮮椰子或一杯白葡萄酒,簡單又實在。
There are a couple of new items on the menu at Little Catch x Alter, such as this jumbo tiger shrimp cocktail (48 RMB). Plump, juicy, double thumbs up.
第一次來到 Little Catch x Alter,發現這裏有一些其他店沒有的新品,比如 jumbo tiger shrimp cocktail(48元)。超大的虎蝦配微辣番茄醬,一口咬下去,那肥美令人滿足。
They will also roll out a few new poke flavors after the Chinese October holidays, starting with Creamy Mentaiko Tiger Shrimp sprinkled with parmesan cheese and fresh radish slices. Who could say no to mentaiko? This was a love at first bite for me. They’ve also changed the bowls at the new shop, going for a wider, shallower plate so all the ingredients can be seen at one glance. FYI the portion looks bigger, but is actually the same.
中國國慶節後,Little Catch x Alter 還會推出幾款新款 poke bowls。首先是 Creamy Mentaiko Tiger Shrimp,以明太子奶油醬調味的虎蝦,上面撒了帕瑪森芝士和新鮮小蘿蔔絲。虎蝦的飽滿口感配上明太子的鮮美,微酸的壽司飯搭配溫柔的牛油果,好味道。新店的盤子也和其他店不一樣,更淺更寬,我挺喜歡這一目了然的造型(量看起來似乎比較大,但其實是一樣的)。
Another new item is the “Guacapoke”, featuring an avocado sauce with salmon, fried shallots, eggs, and sugar snap peas. It’s a no brainer for those who like avocados, though I personally would switch the salmon for tuna.
另一個新品是以牛油果醬爲基底的 “Guacapoke”,搭配三文魚和炸紅蔥、蛋皮和荷蘭豆。喜歡牛油果的人應該都無法拒絕這一款,不過我的話,會把三文魚改成金槍魚(個人喜好)。
Lastly, there’s the “Mala” Peanut Tiger Shrimp, with spicy mala peanut sauce, egg strips, celtuce, scallions, and peanuts. My lunch mates really enjoyed this one, though I personally prefer the other spicy options on Little Catch’s menu, such as Dynamite (spicy mayo with tobiko) and Sambal.
最後是麻辣口味的虎蝦 poke bowl,搭配花生、菜心等(這個現在已在菜單上了)。一同午餐的朋友很喜歡這麻辣款,不過吃過之後我其實還是更偏好 Little Catch 的一些經典款,比如加了微辣蛋黃醬和飛魚籽的 Dynamite 或東南亞辣醬 Sambal。
For those looking for a carb-heavy lunch, there are also sandwiches on the menu made with bagels from Spread the Bagel. A crowd favorite is the Leontine (65 RMB), with its thick smear of house-made crab cream cheese, salmon gravlax, and cucumber.
想想從沒試過 Little Catch 的三明治,這次也順便嚐了他們的 Leontine 貝果三明治(65元)。Little Catch 選用 Spread the Bagel 貝果,抹上自制蟹肉芝士醬、再夾幾片自制腌制鮭魚和黃瓜。想要一份飽足感強的午餐的話,是個好選擇。
Also had a sip of their new cocktail “Hawaiian Romance”, composed of Peddlers Gin, Pimm’s, Rooty Mooty ginger soda, blueberries, and mint. It’s a bit too herbal for me, I think I’ll stick with my coconut water and white wine next time.
也嚐了新調酒 “Hawaiian Romance”,裏面有 Peddlers Gin、Pimm’s、Rooty Mooty ginger soda、藍莓、和薄荷。對我來說藥草味太重了些,下次還是回歸椰子水或白葡萄酒吧。
Last but not least, the brightly colored smoothie bowls (48 RMB each). There’s the Avocado Party made from avocado, mango, spinach, banana, and mint, and there’s the Very Berry with dragon fruit, strawberries, spinach, and banana, both come with house-made granola, grains, and fresh fruits.
最後的最後,想要推薦一下幾款新上市的 Smoothie Bowls(48元)。有用牛油果、芒果、菠菜、香蕉、薄荷葉打成的 Avocado Party,和用火龍果、草莓、菠菜和香蕉打成的 Very Berry,兩者都搭配自制 granola 和新鮮水果。蔬果天然的缤紛色彩,光看到就令人食欲大開。
Just like at Little Catch Fishmonger, the new shop also sells fresh seafood to be cooked at home as well as ready-to-eat fish rillettes, though the choices seem to be more limited here.
順帶一提,Little Catch x Alter 和一店 Little Catch Fishmonger 一樣,除了可以內用和外帶 poke bowl 之外,也有賣一些可以回家自己料理的海鮮食材和即食的海鮮醬(雖然選擇沒有那麽多)。
Anyway, your destination for the next sunny day in Shanghai has been set: visited Little Catch in Xintiandi, and enjoy a poke bowl that will bright you up from the inside.
Note: except the first two poke bowls mentioned in this post, everything else is already up on the menu.
總之,下一個天晴日的目標已確認:去 Little Catch 新天地店坐坐,吃碗讓你內心也充滿陽光的 poke bowl 和 smoothie bowl 吧!
Little Catch x Alter
電話:5352 0027
營業時間:10am – 9:30pm
價位:人均 80 元