[Shanghai 上海] The Middle House 鏞舍

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Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

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The Middle House

Add: 366, Shimenyilu, Shanghai
Tel: 3216 8199
Website: www.themiddlehousehotel.com
Price: soft-opening price 2300 RMB and up

I’ve actually visited The Middle House once when it first soft-opened earlier this year, but at the time it didn’t feel ready. A few months later, I came back for a solo staycation, and was swooned away by both the hotel facilities and the smooth service. As the bellboy opened the door for me with a warm smile, saying “welcome home” instead of “welcome to the hotel”, I realized that I’ve fallen quite in love with this place.

其實早在镛舍剛試營業時我就悄悄來逛過一次,但當時感覺還有些生硬,未讓我有 “啊,好想立刻住進來“ 的念頭。時隔幾個月再訪,這裏的一切都變得柔順流暢…當 bellboy 邊開門邊用溫暖的微笑跟我說 “歡迎回家” 時,我就發現自己喜歡上這裏了。

After Hong Kong, Beijing, and Chengdu, the Taikoo Group debuted their fourth member of the House Collectives – The Middle House, Shanghai. The location is next to the newly opened Taikoo Mall (doesn’t get much more convenient than that), with architecture and interior design done by Piero Lissoni, who created a tranquil space that’s especially precious in the hectic West Nanjing Road area.

繼香港、北京、成都之後,太古集團在上海開出了他們居舍系列的第四間作品 – The Middle House 镛舍。地點位于極方便的上海興業太古會,設計由意大利名設計師 Piero Lissoni 操刀,空間靜谧安逸,在南京西路這繁忙地帶裏更顯得難得。

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Piero Lissoni employed his signature contemporary style to The Middle House, meshing Italian elements with local Shanghai flavors.

Piero Lissoni 是 Lissoni Architettura 的創始人,他糅合了意大利風格以及上海本土元素,並將自己一貫的簡潔線條和輪廓沿用到镛舍的設計上。

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Upon entering the hotel, guests are greeted with a 3 by 6 meters chandelier with intricate details, all hand-made by artisans in a Venetian workshop.

一步入酒店大堂就可以看到 Lissoni 爲镛舍特別挑選的手工水晶燈。通過照片可能無法體會它高度6米、直徑3米的碩大體積,不過應該可以看出它有多麽華麗繁複…


Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

The hotel also houses a number of other artworks from local and foreign artists. This beautiful robe studded with over 12000 white porcelain butterflies, for example, came from Cantonese artist Caroline Cheng.

除此之外,酒店的各個角落也都收藏著國內外藝術家的作品,比如大堂牆上挂著的這件由12000只陶瓷白色蝴蝶裝飾而成的華美袍子,來自香港藝術家 Caroline Cheng。

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

After completing a simple check-in at the lobby (which looks more like a gorgeous sitting room), I headed upstairs with the guidance from a reception staff. Inside the elevator, I noticed that there is no “close” button – just like at The Upper House and The Opposite House, the hotel is prompting guests to slow down – there’s no rush to go anywhere, really.


Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

The room floors are also decorated with artworks, their colors blending in smoothly with the building itself, adding softness to the hotel ambience.


Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

The Middle House has a total of 111 guest rooms and 102 service apartments. The rooms are 50-110 sqm in size (there’s also a 660sqm penthouse suite), the one I stayed in is a 70sqm Studio 70, which is plenty of room for one person like myself.

镛舍共有111間客房和102套酒店式公寓,房間有50-110平米五種大小(還有660平米的頂層閣樓套房)。我住的是70平米的 Studio 70,對一個人入住的我來說非常寬敞。

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Illy coffee machine, Jing tea bags, and all soft drinks and snacks are included in the room fees (alcoholic beverages excluded).

房間裏有 illy 膠囊咖啡機和 Jing 茶包,冰箱裏的飲料和零食是包含在房費裏的,無需另外付費(酒類除外)。

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Inside the walk-in closet, there are some super comfy bathrobes, slippers, Lululemon yoga mat, and an umbrella (also available at the hotel front door).

步入式衣櫃裏有厚實的浴袍、拖鞋、Lululemon 瑜伽墊,也很貼心的爲客人准備了傘(酒店門口也有,可以直接跟服務人員拿)。

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Native Union x La Boite speaker.

Native Union x La Boite 聯名版藍牙音箱。

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

There are plugs available by the sofa/table, convenient for working and charging your phone.


Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

But these buttons are quite confusing and not the most responsive! Since the staff didn’t explain these before she left, I spent sometime to figure them out by myself. Looking at those two buttons in the middle, can you tell what they represent? Not so intuitive I would say.


Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

The bathroom wall is completely glass, so you’d better be very comfortable baring yourself with whoever you are staying with. I love the glass design as it makes the space feel much more open, and it also makes taking a shower or soaking in a bath a more enjoyable experience.


Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

SV Casa, and Bamford toiletires.

浴室裏用的是 SV Casa 衛浴備品以及 Bamford 沐浴備品。Bamford 是個來自英國的頂級身體護理品牌,完全遵循有機農法的植物萃取成分,不含防腐劑、界面活性劑、人工色素 etc. etc.。好東西,退房時果斷帶走。

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

A large and rather deep bathtub for a good soak.


Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Rain shower.


Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Everything you would need in a toiletry bag.


Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Shortly after check-in, room service brought over three cute little eclairs. I made myself a cup of coffee with the in-room illy coffee machine, and enjoyed a simple afternoon tea for one. (Sadly, the eclairs were not filled properly…sorry, couldn’t help with the judging).

Check-in 不久後,服務人員送來三個可愛的閃電泡芙。我用房間裏的咖啡機做了杯咖啡,在房間裏享受了一個小小的單人下午茶。可惜泡芙中間有點空心,內餡沒灌滿(sorry…職業病)。

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

It was still clear sky when I checked-in and all of the sudden, it was pouring. I set myself up on the coach with a cup of camomile tea, some nice jazz, and a good magazine. As I stared out the window at the thundering rain, the contrasting tranquility inside the room became all the more soothing…


Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

As I had no further plans that day, I decided to stay indoor and try the Mixun Spa located on B1.

當天正好也沒什麽安排,看著窗外風雨猛烈,決定不出門在酒店裏享受個 spaaa…

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

The Mixun Spa uses products from Cha Ling, a new Sino-French eco beauty brand by the LVMH group.

镛舍的谧尋水療中心用的品牌是由嬌蘭行政總裁 Laurent Boillot 創立,LVMH 研究團隊研發的 “茶靈”, 我之前曾在巴黎一些 IG 紅人的照片裏看過,沒想到會在镛舍和它巧遇。

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

I chose the body treatment, and the therapist gave me a most soothing full body massage using Cha Ling oil. At the end of it, all I could think of was when to come back for a facial.


Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

On the same floor as the spa, there’s a 33m indoor swimming pool (which I got to enjoy all to myself as there were no other guests at the time). The decorative spheres on the right are supposed to light up after 10pm, for those who prefer a bit more ambience while swimming.

Spa 的同一層樓還一個33m的暖水游泳池(我去游的那時沒有其它客人,lucky 獨享~)。聽說晚上十點左右旁邊的球會點亮,氣氛應該更好。

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

There’s also a 24-hour gym.

還有個 24 小時健身房。

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

After spa, it was dinner time at Cafe Gray Deluxe, which, like the one in Hong Kong, is headed up by celebrity chef Gray Kunz to offer breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Spa 後舒舒服服地,去了酒店三樓的 Cafe Gray Deluxe 吃晚餐。這裏和香港奕居的 Cafe Gray Deluxe 一樣由紐約名廚 Gray Kunz 領軍,提供早、午、晚餐。

Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

A refreshing bouquet of green asparagus, paired with sauce Ravigote (118 RMB).


Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Grilled Icelandic mackerel, flavored with soy sauce citrus (88 RMB).


Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

Pan fried foie gras with caramelized apples, sherry vinegar (128 RMB).


Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

Steamed Prince Edward Island toothfish in a tangerine-mushroom broth, a rather comforting dish which I imagine would be especially agreeable on a cold evening (248 RMB).


Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

For something more intense in flavor, try the grilled Australian rack of lamb with mint, bell pepper, couscous, and harissa (268 RMB).



The two desserts I tried were lackluster, so they won’t be mentioned here. Dinner at Cafe Gray Deluxe was quite solid – while there was nothing exceedingly mind-blowing, it was an overall pleasant meal.

試了兩道甜點都沒有特別喜歡,就不多說了。Cafe Gray Deluxe 的晚餐穩紮穩打,沒有特別令人驚豔,但總體吃下來是愉快的。

Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

After some food and wine, it’s time for a good night’s sleep…


Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Note: pull the rope by the beside to turn off the lights.


Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

~ cue elegant snoring ~

~ 優雅的打呼聲 ~

And the next day…


Shanghai Middle House 上海 鏞舍

Breakfast is back at Cafe Gray Deluxe. It was nice to see it again in daylight, which allowed me to see details that I missed during the dinner visit.

早餐,再度回到 Cafe Gray Deluxe。晚上光線暗沒仔細看,白天才發現這裏有很多漂亮的細節…

Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

Such as the stylized jar paintings by Hong Kong-based artist Richard Winkworth.

比如餐廳裏有好幾幅以罐子爲主題的畫作,來自旅居香港的藝術家 Richard Winkworth。


Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

And the patio which would surely be nice when the weather cools down a bit.


Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

Open kitchen with some busy bees.


Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

Breakfast is included in the room charge, and can be ordered a la carte or as a set, both Western and Chinese options available. For Chinese flavors, there are pork & shrimp wontons, flatbreads, soup dumplings…


Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

Or you can go for the Shikumen set which involves a bit of everything.

也可以選擇有燒賣、燕餃、蟹肉粥、油條等的 “石庫門” 套餐。

Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

On the Western side, there’s a “Maison 366” set with eggs, toasted bread, oatmeal, yogurt, fruits, granola…the standard good stuff.

西式 “Maison 366” 套餐則是非常健康的煎蛋、烤面包、燕麥粥、水果、granola…

Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

On a previous occasion I’ve also been to Cafe Gray Deluxe for brunch, which is priced at 228 RMB for 3 courses. Fair price, attractive menu, and a comfortable ambience – somewhere to come back to.

話說,在這次入住之前,也在 Cafe Gray Deluxe 吃過周末早午餐。228RMB 三道菜的價格非常合理,選擇也非常豐富,是個我會想要再來的地方。

Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

Beef tartare, gaufrette, Kunz ketjap.


Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

Mango papaya salad.


Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

Seared sea bass, yellow bell pepper emulsion, shallot, Muhammara sauce.


Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

Croissant scrambled eggs, smoked salmon, sauteed mushrooms.


Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

Peach melba, fromage blanc sorbet.


Shanghai Middle House Cafe Gray Deluxe

I practically did not leave The Middle House on the first day of my stay due to bad weather, which gave me plenty of time to experience all the details in the property. The second day I had some errands to run, which made me realize how convenient its location is. What’s most memorable, however, was how each staff remembered me by my name, and instead of saying “welcome to our hotel”, they would warmly say “welcome home”, which was just about the nicest thing to hear after a long day out…

在镛舍住的兩個晚上,第一天因爲天氣關系完全沒出門,徹底地感受了酒店各個角落的細致服務。第二天天氣轉晴外出赴約,體會到镛舍地點的方便之處。更窩心的是,這裏的服務人員會記得客人的樣貌和名字,在我回到酒店時說的不是 “歡迎光臨”,而是 “歡迎回家”,確確實實給了我家的安心感。獨自一人的上海 Staycation,這樣剛剛好。

The Middle House 镛舍

電話:3216 8199

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