KeSa House
Add: 55 Keong Saik Rd., Singapore 089158
Website: www.8mcollective.com/kesahouse
Price: SGD 153-221/night
Visited on: Jun 2019
For the first two days of my Singapore trip, I chose to stay in the Chinatown neighborhood for its unique charm and endless supply of vibrant eateries and bars. Instead of a traditional hotel, I decided to give the newly-opened KeSa House a try. It’s a bright and cheerful boutique accommodation renovated from a historical building, all the wooden floors in the rooms have been preserved while modern amenities have been added for extra comfort.
在新加坡的前兩天,我住在 Chinatown 牛車水,不僅街道很有當地特色,吃飯喝酒也都方便。選擇的不是一般酒店,而是由歷史建築改造而成、才開幕一個多月的 KeSa House。房間地板都是保留下來的老木頭,各個角落添加了漂亮的新設計,環境明亮而舒適。

There are plenty of shared spaces at KeSa House to be taken advantage of by staying guests – the lounge, the kitchen, the terrace, the laundry room – it feels a lot like home than the typical hotel, perfect for those staying in Singapore for a long period of time.
KeSa House 有很多寬敞的共用空間 – 起居室、廚房、露臺、洗衣房等,真的有家的舒適感,非常適合要在新加坡多待幾天的人。

I ran into another guest making breakfast in the kitchen when I dropped by for my morning coffee, and we started up a friendly conversation. The setting at KeSa House is really ideal for making friends, but of course, if you are not feeling particularly social, you can always retreat back to your room, or work quietly in the lounge.
早上起來去廚房煮咖啡,碰到其他住客在做早餐,大家都很友善的互相打招呼,氣氛溫馨。當然,若不想要跟別人 social 也無需勉強,可默默地倒完咖啡後飄回房間,或在起居室安靜地看個雜志報紙。

Worth noting: the kitchen is fully-equipped with two cooking stations, a refrigerator & freezer, ice machine, dishwasher and gourmet coffee maker. Definitely a plus for those staying for longer days and don’t want to eat out all the time.

The lush terrace, perfect for a quiet morning coffee or a late afternoon tete-a-tete with a friend (if it’s not an unbearably hot day).

There are five room types of KeSa House, the prices range from SGD 153 – 221, which is really a steal by Singapore standards. Tip: there’s currently also a opening special 15% off if you book from the KeSa House website.
KeSa House 有五種房型,價格從 153 至 221 SGD 不等,在新加坡來說真是太便宜了。而且因為才剛開業,所以官網上還有 “opening special 15% off” 喲。

The rooms are simple but efficient, and equipped with everything you need – free wifi, bluetooth speaker, blow dry, fridge, safe, TV…etc.
房間雖簡單,但會用得到的東西都應有盡有 – 藍牙音箱、吹風機、冰箱、保險櫃、電視…etc.。

Toiletries from Ashley & Co. of New Zealand.
盥洗用品選了紐西蘭的有機品牌 Ashley & Co.。

I stayed in an “Entertain” room, which also comes with a little terrace of my own. Though I barely used it, it was nice just opening the windows every morning to bright sunshine and birds chirping.
我住的 “Entertain” 房型還有個小小的露臺,雖然我沒怎麼用這個空間,但早上一開窗就有陽光和鳥叫聲真的很不錯。

The staff are KeSa House are all young and energetic. I wasn’t sure where to go for breakfast one day, and a reception staff enthusiastically suggested that I try Az Zumar, an Indian restaurant that’s 5 minutes away from the house. My breakfast, which consisted of prata, curry, and milk tea, turned out to be delicious and super cheap (I think it was around 3 SGD in total).
工作人員都非常年輕有活力,我第二天早不知道要吃什麼時,前臺的女孩熱情地建議了附近一家印度餐廳 Az Zumar 的抓餅 + 咖喱 + 奶茶,便宜又美味(好像總共才 3 SGD),而且有種自己瞬間變身當地人的融入感。

There are actually quite a few eateries and bars directly connected to KeSa House, including The Affogato Lounge (Italian dessert bar and all day cafe), Olivia Restaurant & Lounge (Barcelonian elevated homestyle cooking), The Old Man (of the Hong Kong fame)…just to name a few. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to try any of these due to my packed schedule with World’s 50 Best, but next time I would definitely want to take advantage of the discounts available to KeSa House guests at these outlets (mostly 10-15% off).
KeSa House 的建築裡其實有很多餐飲,比如 The Affogato Lounge(義大利甜點吧/咖啡館),Olivia Restaurant & Lounge(巴塞隆納家庭料理),The Old Man(香港人氣酒吧新加坡分店)。可惜這次因為參加 World’s 50 Best 活動行程太滿,下次入住 KeSa House 時一定要多多利用這些餐飲給到住戶的折扣(幾乎都有 10-15% off)。

KeSa House is stylish, convenient, and comfortable. I definitely recommend staying here for your next trip to Singapore, especially for those looking for a more affordable and fun alternative to the five star hotels.
KeSa House 是個輕松、方便、舒服的地方,非常推薦。特別是對於要在新加坡待比較久,想要找比一般酒店便宜而且有趣的住宿的人來說,這裡絕對不會錯。我自己下次再來新加坡的話,也會毫不猶豫地選擇這裡呢。
KeSa House
地址:55 Keong Saik Rd., Singapore 089158
價格:SGD 153-221/晚