Mandarin Oriental Singapore
Add: 5 Raffles Ave, Singapore
Website: www.mandarinoriental.com/singapore
Price: from SGD 449++/night
Visited: Jun 2019
On my last two days in Singapore, I moved from KeSa House to Mandarin Oriental for easier access to the World’s 50 Best Restaurants event location.
在新加坡的最後兩天,為了更靠近世界50最佳餐廳活動現場,我從 KeSa House 搬去了文華東方酒店。
I only found out after checking in that the MO Singapore opened in 1987 and is already 32 years old this year. The rooms are a bit dated, but facilities such as the swimming pool and club lounge are very well-maintained.
入住後才知道這家文華東方於1987年就開幕,今年已32歲了。房間難免顯得有些年紀,但泳池、club lounge 等設施的狀態都保持的很好。

The outdoor pool is especially a charmer. The daybeds, the palm trees, the cool breeze…it almost feels like we are in a resort instead of a city hotel (if not for those high-rises on the horizon).

Rooms at MO Singapore range from Deluxe Rooms (from 359 SGD/night) to the Mandarin Suite (from 5,500 SGD/night). I stayed in a 34 sqm Marina Bay View Room, quite spacious for one person.
新加坡文華東方的房型從 SGD 359 的豪華客房至 SGD 5500 的文華套房都有,我入住的是可以看到 Marina Bay 的 “海濱灣客房”,大小 34sqm,滿寬敞的。

One of the attractive features of the room – view of Marina Bay.
往窗外望出去看到的是 Marina Bay Sands 金沙酒店。

The bathroom.

Complimentary apple and pineapple juice, as well as fruits and chocolates that arrived later in the day.

While the room facilities can’t be compared to those of the newer hotels, the service is smooth as is the standard for Mandarin Oriental. For example, small details like this are quite thoughtful: the water kettle was filled with fresh water during turndown service so I could easily brew myself a pot of tea either at night or when I wake up in the morning.

As there are over 500 rooms at MO Singapore, the lobby is quite busy during day time with guests checking in and out. In comparison, I much prefer its calm ambience later in the evening.

Breakfast is served at Melt Cafe, the buffet seems quite abundant (though I barely took advantage of it since I had to save room for upcoming restaurant visits). A pleasant surprise was that the maître d’ still remembered my name, warmly wishing me a nice day as I walked out. This is especially impressive considering how many guests go in and out of the cafe in one morning.
在 Melt Cafe 的自助早餐似乎相當豐盛(雖然必須美食行程留胃口的我幾乎沒什麼吃早餐),而且令人驚訝的是帶位的服務員居然在我用餐離開時仍記得我的名字,親切的跟我說了句 “Have a nice day, Ms. Wang.”。客人這麼多的情況下,不容易。

But all in all Melt Cafe is too busy for my liking, and if you also prefer a quieter space for breakfast, do consider staying in the club levels so you can enjoy breakfast (and other amenities) in the Oriental Club on the 19th floor.
不過 Melt Cafe 的自助早餐人多,若你想要個安靜點的用餐環境,可以考慮入住行政樓層,就可以在 19 樓的 Oriental Club 吃早餐嘍。

While the buffet at Oriental Club isn’t as abundant as what’s served at Melt Cafe, there are more a la carte options to choose from. Since I was looking for a lighter breakfast anyway, this was perfect.
Oriental Club 環境明亮,自助早餐沒有 Melt Cafe 那麼多,但可單點,屬於比較精緻的選擇。反正在新加坡每天都吃到撐,早餐少一點正合我意。

On another note, the MO building itself is quite interesting. The central skylight lets in plenty of natural light during the day, and if you look carefully, you’ll notice that it’s in the shape of MO’s signature fan.
文華東方的建築設計本身挺有趣的,挑高的中庭有個天井,白天有自然光灑下。往上一看,才發現天井是文華東方的 signature 扇子形狀呢。

Another space not to be missed is the recently-opened MO Bar, which, incidentally, is consulted by Proof & Company (the team behind the famed ATLAS bar, details to come in another post).
另一個亮點是去年新開幕的 MO Bar,聽說是和打造 ATLAS(稍後會介紹)同一個團隊 Proof & Company 所設計的,調酒令人意外地精彩!

This photo was snapped before other guests trickled in, but even when the space was completely filled, it didn’t feel crowded or uncomfortably busy thanks to the generous distance between the tables.

On to the drinks. This “Mother of Dragons” (unrelated to Game of Thrones, for those who are wondering) composed of strawberry, aloe vera, and Cachaça (a Portuguese liqueur) is sure to delight those with a sweeter palate. The dragon design is printed on rice paper, beautiful no?
這杯 Mother of Dragons(名字雖然是 “龍母”,不過跟 Game of Thrones 沒有關係啦)由草莓、蘆薈、以及 Cachaça(來自葡萄牙的蒸餾烈酒),是女孩子會喜歡的味道。上面那精緻的圖樣是印在米做的紙上,是最近看過最美的調酒之一了。

The Roaring City: sparkling pineapple tapache with vermouth jelly, served on a local tile.
The Roaring City 以鳳梨風味為主,清爽不膩,用當地特色的瓷磚做杯墊也很有創意。

Twilight by the Bay: fermented mangosteen, cinnamon, rum.
Twilight by the Bay: 發酵山竹、肉桂、朗姆酒。

Hong Sweet Kong: sparkling Scotch whisky tea, Chinese pear.
Hong Sweet Kong:氣泡蘇格蘭威士忌茶,中國梨。

The bar food is also delectable (I highly recommend the chicken wings). If you are also staying in MO Singapore, don’t miss the bar!
MO Bar 的小食也非常好味(強力推薦雞翅)。若你也入住文華東方的話,不要錯過這里啦。

Mandarin Oriental Singapore
地址:5 Raffles Ave, Singapore
價位:SGD 449++/晚 起