VUE Restaurant & Bar
Add: Hyatt on the Bund, 30/F, 199 Huangpu Lu, near Wuchang Lu 黄浦路199号, 外滩茂悦大酒店30楼, 近武昌路
Tel: 6393 1234
Hours: 6~11pm
Price: [dinner] 450+ RMB + 15%/person
Visited on: 2012-08
Please note that this is an arranged tasting.
There’s nothing mind-blowingly inventive about the dishes at VUE at Hyatt on the Bund, but old time favorites like Caesar salad, lobster bisque, sirloin steak, and crepe suzette are done very well. The cherry on top? A ridiculous view of the Bund and the Lujiazui financial district.