[Tokyo 東京] The SG Club

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Tokyo 東京 The SG Club

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The SG Club

Add: 1-7-8 Jinnan, Shibuya, Tokyo
Tel: 03-6427-0204
Hours: 2pm-2am
Price: [Guzzle] 1,100-1,800 yen/cocktail [Sip] 1,800-2,500 yen/cocktail
Visited on: Sep 2018

Those who are fascinated by the world of cocktails must be quite familiar with Speak Low and Sober Company. These two cocktail bars in Shanghai, founded by Shingo Gokan of the New York Angel’s Share fame, have been popular ever since their openings, and became even hotter after being on Asia’s 50 Best Bars a few years in a row. After establishing a strong base in Shanghai, Shingo and his team returned to Tokyo this year and opened their first ever bar in Japan.

喜歡調酒的你,一定對 Speak LowSober Company 不陌生。這兩家位于上海的酒吧由從紐約紅回亞洲的日本調酒師 Shingo Gokan 主理,不僅開幕就一炮而紅,在連續幾年得到 Asia’s 50 Best Bars 排名之後更是一座難求。在上海奠定基礎後,Shingo 和他的團隊于今年六月回到日本,在競爭激烈的東京開了他們首家位于自己本國的酒吧。

Tokyo 東京 The SG Club

They named their Tokyo bar “The SG Club” and placed it in Shibuya, which is an area often associated with images of 109 girls, but the bar is located slightly outside of the hustle and bustle, in a more quiet area known as “大人の渋谷” (adult’s shibuya). The bar is consisted of the casual and lively “Guzzle” on the first floor, and the more elegantly appointed “Sip” in the basement (S + G = SG Club).

東京店 The SG Club 的地點在涉谷區,不過不是大家首先想到的109辣妹一帶,而是稍微外圍一些,被稱爲 “大人の渋谷” 的熟齡區域。The SG Club 分爲兩樓,一樓是比較輕松的 Guzzle(意思是 “大口喝”),地下一層則是氣氛優雅的 Sip(“小口啜飲”),而 Sip 和 Guzzle 加起來就成了 SG,也是店名的由來。

Tokyo 東京 The SG Club

There are certainly many similarities between The SG Club and Speak Low, but the former has been inserted with some Japanese characteristics, such as signs written in Edo period Japanese, and ceilings adorned with tatami frames. There are also a few elements Shingo brought back from New York, like the in-house shoe-shining service (yes, there’s actually professional shoe shiner on-site).

The SG Club 和 Speak Low 有不少相似之處,不過在裝潢上更多了一些日式風格,比如用江戶時代日語書寫的指示牌以及榻榻米框架的天花板。店裏也加入了不少 Shingo 從紐約帶回來的元素,比如給客人擦鞋的空間(店員裏還真的有一位很專業的擦鞋師傅)。

Tokyo 東京 The SG Club

The vibe at Guzzle is casual and lively, with more straight-forward cocktails (1,100-1,800 yen) such as this New York Lemonade composed of clarified milk punch and Ch. Igai Takaha red wine. There’s no need to stir before drinking, and as the ratio changes slightly from sip to sip, the flavors also evolve.

Guzzle 的氣氛輕松熱絡,調酒較簡單(約1,100-1,800日幣),比如這杯 New York Lemonade 僅由 clarified milk punch 和 Ch. Igai Takaha 紅酒兩個元素組成,喝時無需攪拌,每一口的風味都在變化。

Tokyo 東京 The SG Club

If you need a quick bite while guzzling, do try the mapo (spicy) tofu hotdog, which is extra delicious if you are slightly inebriated. On another note, those who frequent Sober Company might recognize Joshin Atone, who is now behind the bar at The SG Club and also manages the music program for each space (the restroom is a highlight).

若喝到一半餓了的話,可以嘗嘗 SG Club 的麻婆豆腐熱狗,不瞞你說還挺好吃的(喝得微醺時品嘗更佳)。順帶一提,在上海常去 Sober Company 的人可能認識曾在二樓餐廳當經理的 Joshin Atone,他現在吧台後方做調酒師,同時也負責各個空間裏的音樂(洗手間是亮點)。

Tokyo 東京 The SG Club

When you are done with Guzzle, head downstairs to Sip. As seats are limited, it’s best to ask the staff to inform you when something opens up (remember to request a bar seat if desired). The ambience at Sip is quiet and elegant, showcasing more complicated cocktails that come at a higher price (1,800-2,500).

Note: you cannot mix drinks between Sip and Guzzle, and you must settle your bill at Guzzle before heading down to Sip.

一樓喝的差不多時,可以下至 B1 的 Sip 繼續喝。由于 Sip 的座位不多,建議在一樓小酌時就先跟服務人員說明自己想去樓下(可以指定要吧台),請他們在有位子空出時提醒你。樓下的氣氛安靜優雅,調酒比較複雜,價格也稍高(約1,800-2,500日幣)。


Tokyo 東京 The SG Club

Fans of Speak Low and Sober will recognize Atsushi Suzuki, who has moved back to Tokyo from Shanghai and still making amazing cocktails just like before. (Shingo can also often be found at The SG Club, but happened to be Kyoto on the day of my visit.)

Speak Low 和 Sober 的常客肯定對這個面孔不陌生 – 沒錯,就是 Atsushi Suzuki。他從上海搬回了東京,調酒一如既往的令人傾心,想念他的話,就去東京找他吧!聽說 Shingo 也常駐 Sip 吧台,不過我去的當天他正好有事在京都,沒碰到。

Tokyo 東京 The SG Club

Sip, in comparison to Guzzle, features more intricate cocktails. I started with a “Natural Unnatural Wine”, which looks simply like a glass of white wine, but is in fact composed of many layers of flavors –  Star of Bombay gin, green apple, passion fruit, and Yerba Mate.

相較 Guzzle 的調酒,Sip 的出品更爲細膩。這杯看似白葡萄酒的 Natural Unnatural Wine,由 Star of Bombay 琴酒、青蘋果、百香果、Yerba Mate 馬黛茶調制而成,簡單以葡萄酒杯呈現,喝下去卻層次豐富。

Tokyo 東京 The SG Club

I also loved “Cafe for Geisha” (bottom left), a concoction of Patron, coconut cold brew, Amaro, and sansho.

另外讓我印象深刻的是左邊這杯 Cafe for Geisha,由 Patron 龍舌蘭,椰子冰滴咖啡,Amaro 香料苦甜酒, 以及日本特有的山椒組成。

Tokyo 東京 The SG Club

For those looking for a more feminine cocktail, try “On a Slow Boat to China” made from Bacardi, jasmine flower, lychee, and dragon fruits.

Atsushi 又隨手做了一杯由 Bacardi 朗姆酒、茉莉花、荔枝、火龍果風味組成的 On a Slow Boat to China,是個女孩們應該都會喜歡的調酒。

Tokyo 東京 The SG Club

My SG Club experience was charming not just because of the creative and delicious cocktails, but also because of these familiar bartenders who know exactly how to make me feel at home. If you are in Tokyo and are looking for a fun night out, do not miss this place – the guys here will be sure to take good care of you.

我在 The SG Club 喝得開心,除了調酒的確非常美味之外,更是因為有熟悉的調酒師在場;天南地北閒聊的同時有美酒相伴,甚是愜意。不過我相信不論是熟客還是首次前往的客人都能在這裡受到相當好的照顧,若你也享受這種氛圍,下次來東京請不要錯過 The SG Club 喲。

Tokyo 東京 The SG Club

The SG Club

地址:東京都 渋谷區 神南 1-7-8
價位:[Guzzle] 1,100-1,800日幣/杯 [Sip] 1,800-2,500日幣/杯

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